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2005 News Releases




QSL Operations

Date : 14 / 04 / 2005
Author : Ewan McLeod - VK4ERM

Ewan McLeod, VK4ERM, WIA Vice President and the director responsible for the QSL bureau announced to-day that:
The WIA Board had given consideration to the promise made by the WIA to provide WIA Members with a QSL service at no cost and has decided to maintain the existing structures and operation of the Inwards and Outwards QSL bureaus in VK.

QSL Bureaus will operate on a reimbursement basis on the presentation of a completed QSL Bureau Expense Claim Form supported by original Tax Invoices. Reimbursement will be either by direct credit to the claimant’s nominated account or by cheque to the address detailed on the claim form. The QSL Bureau Expense Claim Form and instructions will be available on the WIA website for download and printing.

Negotiations are in progress with the Westlakes Amateur Radio Club to be the focal point for Outwards QSL operations in VK. The Board of the WIA recognises the experience and long service the club has provided to all amateurs.

Inwards QSL will continue to be directed to the internationally advertised PO Box or other address.

In reaching their conclusions the Board acknowledged that each bureau has evolved its operation to best suit the needs of their customer base of Radio Amateurs for minimal cost and level of effort while maintaining good service. Therefore, these operations should not be disturbed. It also acknowledged that the collection of QSL cards from a bureau or distribution point is a social activity which cements good relationships between amateurs.


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