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2005 News Releases




Arthur Godfrey ZL1HV (Jumbo) has become a silent key

Date : 28 / 08 / 2005
Author : Michael Owen - VK3KI

Bruce Douglas ZL2WP has informed the WIA that NZART Life Member, Past President, Vice President and Councillor, "Jumbo" Godfrey ZL1HV fell silent key on, Saturday 27th August 2005 at the age of 92.

Jumbo was first licensed in 1947 as G3DAF. He served in the RAF from 1931 through 1962 with the last 14 years on the staff of various Commanders-in-Chief. Over this period he had the calls DL2MZ, VE2DAF and VR3SZ. He came to New Zealand in 1962 and was a tutor at Auckland Technical Institute for 16 years. Jumbo was President of NZART from 1977 through 1983, a term of six years which, at the time, was a record, and has since been equalled just once.

At the National and International level, Jumbo also held the office of Vice-President NZART and was an NZART Councillor for many years. He was awarded Amateur of the year in 1973 and awarded Honorary Life membership of NZART in 1983. A keen supporter of NZART's overseas activities, he represented NZART at many IARU Region 3 Conferences. He was a Director IARU Region 3 1982-1985 and was responsible for organising the Sixth IARU Region 3 Conference in Auckland in November 1985. Jumbo attended SEANET in Singapore in 1983 and for many years thereafter. He was a friend of many Amateur Radio Societies of our Region.

At the local level Jumbo's involvement was untiring, He was a Life Member of Northshore Branch 29 and a committee member of the Branch for over 40 years stepping down from office only recently. He was a Life Member of the Hibiscus Coast Branch 80. Jumbo was a founder member of the Auckland Regional Committee back in 1963 and of course Jumbo's contributions to Break-In is legendary.

It is from Jumbo's involvement with, participation in and contribution to NZART's Annual Conference that many will have fond memories of Jumbo ZL1HV. His beginnings with NZART Conference, they go back to the committee for Auckland's conference in 1963. Since then he has attended all but one, or possibly two, NZART Conferences. Jumbo was a firm believer that members should control the policy of their Association and that all amateurs should be a member of their National Societies. He also maintained that youth should be given the utmost encouragement to participate in the magic that is Amateur Radio.


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