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2018 News Releases



Space Adventure Night at Templestowe Valley Primary School

24/ 03/ 2018   There was much expectation and excitement from families attending the Space Adventure Night at Templestowe Valley Primary School (VIC) on Monday 20th March.
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Clarification of WIA-IARU relationship

22/ 03/ 2018   The IARU is the world-wide voice of amateur radio. Under article 2.2 of the IARU constitution only one national society can be a member of the IARU and in Australia that society is the Wireless Institute of Australia.
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WIA Merit Awards

21/ 03/ 2018   The WIA Merit Award program identifies and recognises outstanding achievement in the field of Amateur Radio that furthers the science of radio, and service to the WIA.
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WIA attends Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Meeting

20/ 03/ 2018   The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) is a Regional Telecommunications Organisation (RTO) that, among other things, develops the Asia-Pacific regional view on World Radio Conference 2019 (WRC-19) agenda items.
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Australia hosts international spectrum meeting

10/ 03/ 2018   In preparation for the World Radio Conference in 2019 (WRC-19) there are a number of preparatory meetings that are undertaken.
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630M group playing WSQ2 in VK & ZL

10/ 03/ 2018   Recently the 630metre group has been very active on a new mode called WSQ2. This mode was developed by Murray Greenman ZL1BPU/ZL1EE and Con Wassilieff ZL2AFP/ZL2EE
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John Moyle Memorial Field Day

10/ 03/ 2018   Denis VK4AE, WIA coordinator for the John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2018 reminds us that next weekend is the Field Day -Saturday the 17th to Sunday 18th March, 2018.
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Update on the Melbourne University Space Program

08/ 03/ 2018   The Melbourne University Space Program is on the move. This update information has been provided by Gabriel Abrahams VK3EXO.
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Introducing the new VK8 Inward QSL Manager.

08/ 03/ 2018   A warm welcome is extended to Greg Winterflood, VK8KMD, who has been selected as the QSL Manager for the Northern Territory. He was first licenced in 1988 as VK8NRX.
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)