Report from Second Conference Preparatory Meeting, Geneva. (CPM23-2)
Date :
04 /
04 /
Author :
Dale Hughes VK1DSH
Report from CPM23-2; Geneva
Dale Hughes VK1DSH
The Second Conference Preparatory Meeting (CPM23-2) for WRC-23 is underway in Geneva, Switzerland. CPM23-2 is an important step on work towards WRC-23 which will be held in Dubai later this year.
The purpose of CPM23-2 is to refine the texts and regulatory proposals that will be the basis of discussion and decisions at WRC-23.
There are several WRC-23 Agenda Items of concern to amateurs and the IARU and various national amateur radio societies have delegates present at CPM23-2 to express the view of the amateurs at the meeting.
Arguably, the main issue for amateurs is agenda item 9.1b which concerns our 23 cm band.
The operative part of WRC-19 Resolution 774 states:
“… to perform a detailed review of the different systems and applications used in the amateur service and amateur-satellite service allocations in the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz;
…taking into account the results of the above review, to study possible technical and operational measures to ensure the protection of RNSS (space-to-Earth) receivers from the amateur and amateur-satellite services in the frequency band 1 240-1 300 MHz, without considering the removal of these amateur and amateur-satellite service allocations …”
The review and studies mentioned above are almost complete and are expected to be finalized before WRC-23 and a summary of the studies has been developed and approved by the CPM23-2 meeting for use at WRC-23.
The results of the studies and the WRC-23 decision will provide national administrations (like the ACMA in Australia) with guidance that will assist them to protect the radionavigation satellite service (RNSS, mainly Galileo in Australia) while still allowing reasonable access to the 23 cm band for amateur activities. The measures to protect RNSS receivers are likely to include operation in recommended band segments, emission bandwidth and power limitations.The guidance has been designed to protect the RNSS receivers while still permitting typical amateur usage of the band with as little change from existing operation as possible.
Other WRC-23 issues of interest to amateurs are possible new allocations for other services in bands already occupied by the amateur and other services, or bands adjacent to amateur bands.
While the final decisions about any changes to the Radio Regulations will be made at WRC-23, attendance at CPM23-2 is important to because it means that our concerns over interference are made known and we can have some input into the documents that will go forward to WRC-23.
Photo above: Amateurs in Geneva attending CPM23-3 (left to right): Flávio Archangelo PY2ZX, Jon Siverling W3ERA, Dave Sumner K1ZZ, Paul Coverdale VE3ICV, Hans Blondeel Timmerman PB2T, Wahyudi Hasbi YD1PRY, Dale Hughes VK1DSH.
For further reading:
link to WRC-23 Agenda Items of concern to amateurs: Link
The operative part of WRC-19 Resolution 774: Link
Page Last Updated: Tuesday, 04 Apr 2023 at 22:22 hours by Lee Moyle
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