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2011 News Releases



The latest from flooded Thailand

29/ 10/ 2011   Severe flooding that has claimed the lives of over 370 lives in less than vthree months is now closing in on the capital Bangkok.
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WIA National Field Day 2012

22/ 10/ 2011   The dates of the next WIA National Field Day is the weekend of the 14th and 15th of April 2012. Providing two days of possible operation will support club requests for some flexibility to suit their local community with operation on either the Saturday or Sunday.
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Keith Malcolm VK1KM SK

19/ 10/ 2011   Very many people in many countries were saddened by the sudden passing of Keith Malcolm VK1KM on Thursday, 13 October 2011.
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Latest from flood hit Thailand

19/ 10/ 2011   The death toll from the most devastating flooding to hit Thailand in over 60 years following heavy rains since late July has now risen to almost 300. (report includes video footage)
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Flood crisis response by radio amateurs

16/ 10/ 2011   Operators are requested to stay away from 7.060-7.063MHz and the designated IARU Regional CoA emergency frequencies due to use by Thailand hams during the flood emergency.
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Antenna Masts - A Golden Opportunity for NSW Amateurs

16/ 10/ 2011   The NSW Government is conducting a comprehensive review of the state’s planning laws. As this is the first review of NSW’s planning laws in 31 years, there is a golden opportunity here to strike a blow for Amateur Radio in NSW regarding controls and prohibitions on antenna masts.
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54th Jamboree On The Air - 15-16 October 2011

14/ 10/ 2011   Get ready to participate in JOTA-JOTI on Saturday 15th October, commencing with an opening address from the Australian Governor General!
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Students Building Satellite That's Seen As Future Of Space Research

14/ 10/ 2011   Using needle-thin solder, tweezers and a very steady hand, Anna Espinal peers through a microscope and attaches capacitors the size of large grains of sand to boards no bigger than a credit card.
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Queensland Clubs Meet in Bundaberg

12/ 10/ 2011   Representatives of nine Queensland WIA affiliated clubs met with WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI and WIA Director Ewan McLeod VK4ERM on Sunday 9 October 2011 at the SES Headquarters at Bundaberg.
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Pirate Radio Station Stomped On By ACMA

08/ 10/ 2011   On Wednesday the 5th of October Computer Daily News reported that a Melbourne pirate radio station had been stomped on by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.
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Ken Fuller VK4KF - Retires as VK4 Advisory Committee Member

08/ 10/ 2011   Ken Fuller VK4KF has requested to retire from his position on the Queensland Advisory Committee.
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ACMA Investigates Serious Interference on Amateur Bands

06/ 10/ 2011   Mark Loney, Executive Manager, Operations Branch of the ACMA has advised the WIA that the Operations Branch has been investigating interference to the Mt. Cottrel and Mt. Macedon repeaters as a result of complaints made by radio amateurs.
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New Callsign Block Available

02/ 10/ 2011   The ACMA advised the WIA that a number of amateurs had sought Advanced three letter callsigns commencing with the letter "O".
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)