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2007 News Releases




WIA 2007 AGM

Date : 10 / 05 / 2007
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

The WIA's Annual General Meeting was held at the Leagues Club, Parkes, New South Wales, on Saturday 5 May 2007.

Before the meeting, many of those attending participated in a barbeque in a nearby park.

The Annual General Meeting, which is conducted very much as a formality, included the submission of audited accounts showing a surplus of $8,000. Glenn Dunstan VK4DU who had been a Director since the restructure of the WIA to a national body in May 2004 retired, receiving warm tributes for his contribution. Peter Young VK3MV, who had been elected by the postal ballot of members, was welcomed as a director.

It was followed immediately by the Open Forum, where reports covering all aspects of the WIA's activities were submitted and discussed. Topics covered included examinations, awards, the bookshop, BPL, clubs, contests, emergency communications, history, the ITU and WRC 07, IARU, the news service, the National Technical Advisory Committee, publications, QSLs, repeaters and standards.

Secretary Ken Fuller VK4KF had organised the written reports into a handsome book. A copy was given to each participant on registration.

In presenting a report on behalf of the Board, the President Michael Owen VK3KI stressed the growth in total amateur licence numbers, which had been slowly declining each year since at least 2001. Despite the steady decline, there were now more amateur licences on issue than there were in 2001. In addition, WIA membership is now some 21% higher than it was in mid 2005.

A highlight of the Open forum was the presentation of awards to members.

The first award to a Foundation licensee was the award of a President's Commendation to Haydon McManus, VK3FRST, the Scouts Australia Coordinator of VI3JAM at the 21st Australian Jamboree, so successfully promoting amateur radio.

Justin Giles-Clark VK7TW, President of the Radio and Electronics Association of Southern Tasmania, was awarded the Ron Wilkinson Award for all he has done in response to the major BPL trials in Hobart.

The first Chris Jones Award was presented to Mal Johnson, VK6LC, the WIA Awards Manager since 2001, and who has modernized the award application process, introduced new, attractive and innovative awards and managed the transformation of the awards from a federal structure to a national structure.

Around 130 people attended the dinner on Saturday night, watching the Australian film, The Dish afterwards.

Sunday was time for visiting the dish.

In total some 139 people were registered for various activities.

The weather was perfect, and the weekend was undoubtedly a success.

Those who predicted that holding the AGM and associated activities so far from a capital city would doom the weekend to failure were completely discredited.

However, the WIA now faces a new organise an even better weekend next year!

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