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2008 News Releases



On air behaviour - the WIA meets with ACMA

28/ 06/ 2008   Michael Owen VK3KI, WIA President and Peter Young VK3MV, WIA Directors met with Allan Major, ACMA Executive Manager Regulation and Compliance Branch, Dominic Byrne, ACMA Manager Compliance & Investigations Section and, by phone hookup, Gary Ryan, ACMA Acting Manager, Interference Management Section, Brisbane, on 18 June 2008.
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China earthquake report to GAREC-08

27/ 06/ 2008   The emergency communications provided by China’s radio amateurs in the aftermath of the devastating magnitude 8 Sichuan earthquake has now ended, although some remain on standby for rapid re-activation if needed.
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Gold Coast Dstar Launch

24/ 06/ 2008   Last Saturday, the 14th of June, marked the launch of the first D-STAR repeater system in VK4.
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The 2009 Callbook Editor Is Calling !!

23/ 06/ 2008   Brenda Edmonds VK3KT WIA callbook editor is currently on the lookout for a suitable photograph for the 2009 callbook cover.
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AGM Resolves to Change WIA Constitution

14/ 06/ 2008   The Annual General Meeting conducted at the Broken Hill Entertainment Centre at Broken Hill on 24 May 2008 had to consider two special resolutions proposed by the Board.
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VK2DQ New WIA Director

14/ 06/ 2008   The Annual General Meeting conducted at the Broken Hill Entertainment Centre at Broken Hill on 24 May 2008 was the last official meeting for Trevor Quick VK5ATQ, who retired after being a director of the WIA since its restructure in May, 2004.
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2 Letter Call Ballot

13/ 06/ 2008   In April the WIA published a paper setting out the process that was proposed for it to conduct a ballot on behalf of the ACMA to provide a means for the equitable allocation of available amateur callsigns with two letter suffixes (2 letter callsigns).
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2008 WIA Club Grant Scheme

12/ 06/ 2008   Applications are now being invited from affiliated WIA Clubs for the 2008 Club Grant Scheme awards.
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GippsTech2008 Update

09/ 06/ 2008   The organising team at the Eastern Zone Amateur Radio Club (Inc) is gearing up for GippsTech2008. This year the event will be held on Saturday July 5 and Sunday July 6.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)