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2008 News Releases



2008 Club Grants Announced

29/ 09/ 2008   The 2008 Grants Committee (Don Wilschefski VK4BY, (Chair), Deane Blackman VK3TX, and Rob Fincher VK3BRF) has submitted its recommendations to the Board, which has accepted its recommendations.
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WIA Secretary Visits Gold Coast Amateur Radio Club

24/ 09/ 2008   Whilst visiting the Gold Coast with family, WIA Secretary Geoff Atkinson VK3AFA took time out to attend the Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society Technical Day on Saturday 20 September.
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WIA President Visits Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club

23/ 09/ 2008   On the evening of Tuesday the 22nd of September members of the ACT's Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club were joined by WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI for a presentation on the WIA.
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90th Year of Radio Communication UK to Australia

23/ 09/ 2008   At 1100hrs (AEST) on Monday 22nd September 2008, Sydney radio amateurs and members of the local community gathered at the Fisk Memorial outside the former house of Sir Ernest Fisk, at Wahroonga in Sydney, to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the first directed wireless messages from the UK to Australia.
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Get Your Kicks On Route 66

20/ 09/ 2008   US Highway 66 established in 1926, was the first major improved highway to link the west coast with the nations heartland. The purpose of this event is a way to offer amateur radio operators a fun way to "Relive the Ride" and their own memories of Route 66.
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ISS Contact For Melbourne's Anderson Creek Primary School

20/ 09/ 2008   Students from Melbourne's Anderson Creek Primary School will be speaking with a crew member on the International Space Station next month during a 10 minute window as it circles the Earth at 27,000 kph.
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Digital Radio Plus

19/ 09/ 2008   The Australian radio industry last week revealed the digital radio logo and multi-million dollar on-air awareness campaign that will launch the switch-on of the Australian radio industry’s new technology platform.
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ACMA Acts Against Amateurs Operating Improperly

17/ 09/ 2008   Following a number of representations by the WIA to ACMA and a face to face meeting between the WIA and ACMA officers on 28th June 2008, ACMA has now advised the WIA that it has taken a number of regulatory actions against amateur licensees operating in breach of the amateur licensing conditions.
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ACMA Releases Submissions on Spectrum Options for 400 MHz Spectrum

16/ 09/ 2008   In April this year, the ACMA released a discussion paper that sought comment from interested stakeholders for the development of future arrangements for spectrum in the range 403 – 520 MHz, otherwise known as the 400 MHz band.
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The Integrated Circuit Celebrates it's 50th Birthday

13/ 09/ 2008   On the 12th of September the integrated circuit celebrated it's 50th Birthday.
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Reg Galle VK5QR - SK

13/ 09/ 2008   All those interested in long distance VHF/UHF/microwave propagation will be saddened to hear of the death of Reg Galle VK5QR on September 11.
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K4AF Special Event Station

11/ 09/ 2008   On Thursday, September 11th, 2008, the Pentagon Amateur Radio Club (PARC) will operate a Special Event station commemorating the 7th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that occurred on the Pentagon, the World Trade Center and over Pennsylvania in 2001.
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World ARDF Championships in Korea

11/ 09/ 2008   The 14th World ARDF championships were held from the 2-7 September in Gyeonggi Province in Korea under the auspices of Korean Amateur Radio League.
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Enthusiasts Tune Into The Hobby

10/ 09/ 2008   The following news story appeared in local newspaper 'The Cobar Age' following the recent foundation course and assessments held in Cobar.
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ITU Leadership Visits Asian Amateur Radio Exhibit

07/ 09/ 2008   For four days earlier this month, members of Asia's information and communications technology (ICT) sector convened at ITU Telecom Asia.
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Two Letter Call Sign Ballot Conducted

07/ 09/ 2008   The ballot for two letter callsigns was conducted on Friday morning, the 5th of September at the WIA’s offices in North Caulfield.
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Hurricane Gustav

01/ 09/ 2008   With the approach of Hurricane Gustav towards the US coast, Australian volunteers are again assisting and supporting US radio amateurs by keeping a listening watch and when required, assisting with Net Control for the VoIP SkyWarn / Hurricane Net
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)