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2009 News Releases



New Procedure & Forms For Callsigns On The WIA Website

27/ 02/ 2009   From Monday 2 March 2009 ACMA will require a WIA Callsign Recommendation before issuing a new amateur station licence or changing the callsign of an existing licence.
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WICEN - Victorian Bushfire Update

27/ 02/ 2009   WICEN is maintaining a team of five operators in Alexandra to operate DSE/CFA equipment at the Incident Control Centre (ICC) and Amateur equipment at the Municipal Emergency Coordination Center (MECC).
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WICEN Emergency Net Now On Echolink

26/ 02/ 2009   The WICEN group continues to maintain support to the emergency service organisations as fires continue to burn after three weeks.
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WICEN - Call For More Operators

24/ 02/ 2009   Today WICEN Victoria was asked to provide operators for three outer metropolitan Melbourne Incident Control Centres (ICCs). WICEN does not have sufficient operators for all the shifts we have been asked to fill, and so we are looking for volunteers from the wider Amateur Radio community.
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Yarra Valley White Elephant Sale Postponed

24/ 02/ 2009   As most amateurs are aware, the Healesville/ Warburton area has current and ongoing Bushfire activity. Because of this the Yarra Valley Amateur Radio Group have postponed the annual White Elephant Sale until a date sometime towards the middle of the year.
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Home Brew Dstar - DV Node Adapter

23/ 02/ 2009   For those interested in home brewing and Dstar, Michael Carey VK5ZEA recently constructed his own fully operational Dstar Digital Node Adaptor.
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New Zealand Prime Minister to speak to the ISS

18/ 02/ 2009   The NZ Prime Minister, the Hon. John Key will pass on greetings from the Asia/Pacific region to Mike Fincke on the ISS and to ask the first question in an upcoming ARISS contact.
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World Amateur Radio Day 2009 - Your Resource in Disaster and Emergency Communication

18/ 02/ 2009   Each year on 18 April, radio amateurs celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. On that day in 1925 the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was founded.
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WICEN - Victorian Bushfire Update

14/ 02/ 2009   WICEN Victoria is maintaining a daily net on 3.600 MHz at 1000 hours and 2130 hours EADST until further notice. Also this frequency is monitored from 0800 hours until 2200 hours for urgent traffic to or from field operators.
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WIA Issues New Assessment Instructions

12/ 02/ 2009   The WIA announced that the Deed between it and ACMA had been signed, and so since 2 February only the WIA will issue certificates of proficiency for qualifications achieved on and after that date.
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WICEN - Victorian Bushfire Update

11/ 02/ 2009   WICEN has received an unprecedented response to our appeal for operators for the bushfires. We believe we now have sufficient operators available to allow us to staff the likely tasks that lie ahead.
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Victorian Bushfire Update

10/ 02/ 2009   The bushfires in Victoria have caused massive loss of life, and loss of property. The death toll has risen rapidly through the night, with the latest confirmed total of 173 expected to increase throughout the day.
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WICEN Victoria Activated

09/ 02/ 2009   WICEN Victoria has been activated to provide communications links into towns that have had their normal communications destroyed by the bushfires.
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WIA Stand At The Wyong Field Day

05/ 02/ 2009   Preparations are under way for a contingent of WIA Directors to attend the Wyong Hamfest.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)