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2009 News Releases



ARRL was correct about BPL Interference

24/ 06/ 2009   In 2004, the ARRL requested the FCC release internal staff studies showing support for its decision to allow the operation of BPL devices under modified FCC part 15 rules. The FCC released some information, but large and critical sections were withheld from public release.
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Band 135.7 – 137.8 kHz Now Available to Advanced Licensees Who Apply

11/ 06/ 2009   After an exchange of letters, the ACMA has advised the WIA that any amateur holding an Advanced licence may now apply to ACMA for a variation of their licence to allow operation on a secondary basis in the band 135.7 – 137.8 kHz.
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WIA Hosts Sydney Repeater Builders’ Forum

10/ 06/ 2009   On Sunday 7th June, the WIA represented by Peter Young, VK3MV WIA Director and Peter Mill VK3ZPP, the WIA’s Repeater and Beacon Coordinator, hosted a forum of amateur repeater builders and maintainers.
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Welcome to Television, Digital Amateur Television VK3RTV

08/ 06/ 2009   The digital test transmission from Mt Dandenong east of Melbourne today (7 June 2009) went exceedingly well with at least eight stations receiving the VK3RTV repeater signal noise free.
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A Wonderful Old Timer

07/ 06/ 2009    Grand lady operator, Mavis Stafford VK3KS has been a radio amateur for 70 years and a luncheon this weekend in Melbourne was held in her honour.
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Melbourne Digital ATV Tests This Sunday 7 June 2009

06/ 06/ 2009   As reported in our news release dated 20th of May Melbourne's Amateur Television repeater VK3RTV is being digitised using the DVB-T standard. As part of the upgrade some on air digital ATV tests from Mt Dandenong are planned for this Sunday 7 June 2009 commencing at 11.00 A.M. on 446.5 Mhz.
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IARU HF World Championship Contest

04/ 06/ 2009   The 2009 IARU HF World Championship Contest takes place the second full weekend of July, beginning 1200 UTC Saturday and ending 1200 UTC Sunday (11-12 July 2009).
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WIA Seeks Volunter For The Position Of Awards Manager

03/ 06/ 2009   The WIA is actively seeking a volunteer for the position of National Awards Manager, the Manager works with the Awards Committee of 4 experienced and enthusiastic DX'ers.
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Tony Hutchison Featured In The "Extra"

03/ 06/ 2009   Members may be interested to learn that the WIA Australian Coordinator for ARISS Tony Hutchison VK5ZAI recently appeared in the "Extra" which is inserted in the local country papers around the SE of SA and Western Victoria every few months.
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New IARU Region 3 Secretary

03/ 06/ 2009   The Directors of IARU R3 have most reluctantly accepted the resignation of Keigo Komuro JA1KB who has retired from the office of secretary after 15 years in the role.
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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)