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Border Ranges Amateur Radio Club Inc.


The Secretary.10A Tyrel Street,
Stanthorpe. 4380.
Stanthorpe Queensland and NSW 4380


The Border Ranges Amateur Radio Club, (BRARC) was incorporated in 2009, after formation earlier in the year. The club draws its members from the towns of Warwick, Stanthorpe and Tenterfield, and the wide surrounding areas in northern NSW and southern Queensland.
Our Clubhouse is in Stanthorpe, at Eduardo Verri Park, Wallangarra Road, which is the southern main road out of town, opposite Jardine Street. We are behind the pottery group. We lease this club house, from the Southern Downs Regional Council.

Club repeaters are at the following locations.
Acacia Plateau VK2RAP 147.275 MHz + 600 Tone 123 Hz
Stanthorpe VK4RMM 147.125 MHz + 600 Tone 123 Hz
Tenterfield VK2RMM 147.375 MHz + 600 Tone 123 Hz (Full Solar)
All repeaters are linked on 70 cm - talk to one and you talk to them all. IRLP and Echolink are both accessible from any repeater.
Both Acacia Plateau and Tenterfield have APRS repeaters to cover the New England Highway.


Meetings are held monthly, the first Saturday each month, at the Club Rooms. All meetings commence with a BBQ (BYO Food), starting at 12 noon, with any Guests warmly welcomed. Then the meeting, mostly Radio Chatter and up and coming Events, starts at 1:00 pm AEST. Any change to this routine is emailed to all the club, and posted to our web site,
Looking forward to meeting with you, and having a chat, at our club meeting.

Club Activities & Events

Our main community involvement, to date, has been to provide the communications for a number of community motor bike rides held yearly in the area. Greenlands Bike ride. Also, Granite and Gravel Bike ride involving Mountain Bike Hybrid racers and electric hybrid over a 100km course in Northern NSW around the Tenterfield area
Members of the club are happy to be involved in other community events, that may required Radio Communications and anything else that we are asked to help with. Please contact the President below.

Border Ranges Amateur Radio Club Inc. Meeting Location

Training Courses And Assessment Information

All Licence Classes are available, Foundation, Standard and Advanced. Please contact our Trainer via the Contact BRARC page on the website. Response time is usually within 48 hours.

Upcoming Courses and Assessments

Courses are available as required with individual Training given for the best results. Contact the Club Learning organiser, via the Contact BRARC page on the website and a Trainer will be back to you with an email usually within 48 hours.

Training And Assessment Contact

Club training course coordinator

"Lurch" Kerin Hunting VK4HL
Phone : 0427189815
Email :

Club Contact Details

Border Ranges Amateur Radio Club Inc.
The Secretary.10A Tyrel Street,
Stanthorpe. 4380.
Stanthorpe Queensland and NSW 4380
Phone : 0427189815
Email :


"Lurch" Kerin Hunting VK4HL
Phone : 0427189815
Email :

John Pither VK4EJP
Phone : 0407754339
Email :

Dave Evans VK4HDE
Phone : 0746833175
Email :


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Page Last Updated: Saturday, 13 Jul 2024 at 10:56 hours by Border


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The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)