Darling Downs Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 3257
Our Club is one which is charged under the Rules of Association to disseminate knowledge in radio and electronics. We like to encourage inquiries to our hobby, and in our ranks you will find most facets of this hobby expressed. Some of these are modern computer influences in contest logging, vintage radio restoration, antennas, VHF and UHF operation, construction, crystal sets, valve operation and much, much more. If you are interested in it, you will find a kindred spirit in our Club.
You will also find interesting lectures by club members and non club members from time to time, as well as occasional outings to places of interest.
Our Club meets on the second Monday of each month, except
* no meeting in January, and
* Annual General Meeting on the 4th Monday in July.
It starts at 7:00 pm local time in the Toowoomba Regional Library Meeting Rooms, Level 3, Cnr. Victoria & Herries Street, Toowoomba. A Social or Technical talk starts after club update and any Management Committee news. Secure undercover parking is available with entrance off Victoria Street.
Everyone, including visitors, is welcome to all meetings.
Club Activities & Events
The Darling Downs Radio Club has 2 regular Nets:
Each Sunday morning at 10:00am there is a 2m net using the Club's call sign, VK4WID, held on the Club's repeater, VK4RDD, on a frequency of 146.750Mhz [negative offset, no tone].
Each Saturday evening at 7:30pm there is an 80m net on 3.650MHz [+ or - QRM] under the Club call sign, VK4WID, and is mostly hosted by Theo, VK4ESK. All are welcome to join in, especially new licensees. We have involvement on a regular basis from amateurs who live as far apart as Ingham in the North to Evans Head in the South.
Darling Downs Radio Club Inc.
Meeting Location
Training Courses And Assessment Information
None scheduled currently.
Upcoming Courses and Assessments
None scheduled currently.
Training And Assessment Contact
Club training course coordinator
Email :
Club Contact Details
Darling Downs Radio Club Inc.
P.O. Box 3257 TOOWOOMBA Qld 4350
Phone : 0412 576 888 Email :
Email :
John Maizels - VK4JPM
Phone : 0412 576 888
Email :
Cameron Scarvell
Phone :
Email :
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Page Last Updated: Wednesday, 05 Feb 2025 at 00:00 hours by Ddrc