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2006 News Releases




The Funeral Of Chris Jones

Date : 01 / 09 / 2006
Author : Robert Broomhead - VK3KRB

The Funeral for Chris Jones VK2ZDD was held last Thursday the 31st of August. Chris Jones was a very special person, a very gifted person and someone who made an enormous contribution not only to our wonderful hobby of Amateur Radio but someone who, with others, shared a vision for a possible restructure of the WIA, a restructure which unfolded and has led to so many positive outcomes for Amateur Radio.

Over the years Chris has touched the lives of so many people, on Thursday morning around 350 of his friends most of them Amateur radio folk and their families joined together at St. Theresas Church in Padstow where Father Steve DeBono (yes another one of Chris's good friends) led a service to say farewell to a very special friend.

Eulogies were shared by Jeff Craike VK2ZJT, Kathryn Winston (Chris's niece) Widge (Jason Lowe) VK2ZWL, Ron Jackson VK2ZPI (Chris's business partner) and Hugh Alexander.

Richard Winston VK2ZRW Chris's brother in law shared the following thoughts...

Chris Jones was larger than life in every respect.

I was privileged to be Chris�s brother in law. I certainly got a bonus when I married his sister. He is an important and influential part of my and my family�s life. I am sure we all feel the same way.

Chris did not do anything by halves. He was the most generous, frustrating, kind, stubborn, visionary, sociable, illogical, warm, knowledgeable, communicative, (thanks to Ham Radio & Telstra), traveled, talkative, experienced, popular, happy, stern, connected, dogmatic, gregarious, frank, outgoing, illuminating, funny, musical, helpful, achiever.

Chris has the family of any one I know. We are all his family and we will all shared different adventures with Chris in a life that spanned generations, family, continents, business success and personal experience.

Chris influenced and touched us all. We have all benefited and it is a legacy that we will share together forever. Chris was our Pied Piper and the tune he played for us was generous and personally rewarding. He was the glue that kept us all together. He was a mentor and parent to many of us. He helped all of us in one way or another.

Chris crammed an incredible amount into his 61 years and we all shared various parts of that great experience. He never forgot anyone he met, he remembers us all. He was very successful in his business and in those things in life that really matter.

Today we say farewell to a part of Chris, it is a part we all will miss dearly but Chris leaves us all with very special memories and experiences. He expanded our horizons. We are personally richer for having known him. Be it from sailing, business, Amateur Radio, travel, or just sharing a wine and barbeque, Chris is and will always be a special friend to all of us.

We thank and applaud him for how he selflessly shared himself with us. He was never happier than when he was with as many if us as possible. He has our gratitude, our love and our esteem. Chris we miss you, we wanted to grow old with you and race in our wheel chairs. Sadly that is not to be. We will never forget you and thank you for enriching our lives and sharing your life with us.

Richard Winston VK2ZRW

After the service there was a get together at Club Menai and an opportunity to share some of the highlights of Chris's life. Phil Wait spoke on behalf of the WIA.

So we say farewell to our good friend Chris Jones VK2ZDD - Silent Key.


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