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2021 News Releases



Important Message: ACMA 2021-01 Consultation

26/ 03/ 2021   The Australian Communication & Media Authority (ACMA) recently released a consultation : “Review of non-assigned amateur and outpost regulations” which detailed a number of options for changes to Amateur licencing. In summary, the ACMA preferred option is a change from our current Non-Assigned Apparatus Licence to a Class Licence.
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WIA Ballot regulations

25/ 03/ 2021   The WIA board has discussed potential delivery and return mail delays due to several issues, the main concern being Covid-19 associated delays affecting the Australia post mail service.
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WIA Communications on the ACMA Consultation – Something Different

10/ 03/ 2021   On Monday March 15th at 7.30pm Eastern Daylight time (0830z) the WIA will attempt something new in an effort to communicate with members the scope and challenges presented by the ACMA’s Consultation paper on Future Amateur Radio Service licensing.
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WIA Poll Introductory Paper V1.7

10/ 03/ 2021   The WIA poll introductory paper version 1.7 is now available for viewing. It replaces the previously released version 1.5 dated 22nd February 2021
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Radcomms licensing and allocation reform

09/ 03/ 2021   On the 9th of March 2021 the ACMA published on its website its approach to changes introduced by the Modernisation Act.
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WIA online events calendar

05/ 03/ 2021   A replacement online calendar package has been developed for the WIA website. It includes some useful features such as being able to copy events from the WIA calendar to your own personal calendar by way of an iCal file.
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© 2025 Wireless Institute of Australia all rights reserved.
The National Association for Amateur Radio in Australia
A member society of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)